Annual Conference of Human Rights

December 9-10, Tallinn


Ülle Madise

Human rights and freedoms are at the core of free citizen and countries values, giving it up also means abandoning the internal strength to operate in your own interests. Mart Nutt, who established the Estonian Institute of Human Rights and served as the heart and soul of the annual conferences, understood the gist of this seemingly complicated, but simple and logical operation very well. We protect our values and interests by discussing this together in changing circumstances and with more and more variables in the world.

The annual conference brings together people from different professions, shedding light on human rights from important and sometimes unexpected perspectives for all. A clean environment and future of the globe, the possibility to preserve your privacy and option to disengage, which is necessary for the human psyche, are practical topics that apply to everyone. The principle subject of human rights of how to be a good person and care for other people should also be universal.

Ülle Madise, Chancellor of Justice of Estonia